What you might need to know

Finite Mathematics

Summer 2010

Class Meets:       MTWRF
                        10:35 am - 11:50 am

Location:           Engineering Building 2102

Textbook:          Finite Mathematics
                        For the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences
                        by Soo T. Tan

It seems that the book is pretty expensive, but you can find various formats, used form $15 and new from $30. The book itself suggests to buy the chapters separately at iChapters.com, but I couldn't find just the chapters over there. You can give it a try, and let me know if you were successful. Anyway, we are going to cover chapters 1,2,3,6,7.

Grading and other stuff: The majority of the grade will be based on class activity, which includes participating in discussions, answering the questions, asking questions etc:
    Group Work: 30%: the homework and also class-work will be assigned to the groups of two or three, depending on how much fun you want to have. Each assignment should be done in the group and the representative of each group (one of you, each day) should be able to give the complete solution.
    Personal Work: 30%: each of you as the representative of your group should be able to present your solutions.
    Chapter Summaries: 0%: Each group should turn in a summary of the chapter taught, to be allowed to take the exam.
    Five Quizzes: 30%: after each chapter finished there will be one quiz based on that chapter (6% each)
    Final Exam: 10%: Comprehensive

There's no obligation to attend the class, but I don't know how you're going to do these assignments if you don't attend. Either ways, if you think you can get a good grade on the exams (There'll be three exams, one each two weeks), without attending the class, that's great. So don't waste your time sleeping or texting in this class, go to Prexy's pastures and have some fun.

Disclaimer: All of the things mentioned here are subject to change, but it'll be announced in the class before it is changed. So it's your responsibility to check on these updates.