Calculus I - MATH 2200
Fall 2012
Temporary Announcements:
Syllabus: PDF
Class code for WebAssgin : uwyo 8602 8090
Tentative Schedule for the semester: PDF
Department's website for the course with sample exams and solution: +
Supplemental instruction (SI): +
Practice Gateway exams: A, B, C, D. More information about Gateway exam will be provided soon.
I host a problem solving session every Thursday at CR 142, 9:00-9:50am

From the back cover of the book: (also can be found at google books)
Is there always a prime number
between n and 2n? Where, approximately, is the millionth prime? And
just what does calculus have to do with answering either of these
questions? It turns out that calculus has a lot to do with both
questions, as this book can show you. The theme of the book is
approximations. Calculus is a powerful tool because it allows us to
approximate complicated functions with simpler ones. Indeed, replacing
a function locally with a linear--or higher order--approximation is at
the heart of calculus. The real star of the book, though, is the task
of approximating the number of primes up to a number x. This leads to
the famous Prime Number Theorem--and to the answers to the two
questions about primes. While emphasizing the role of approximations in
calculus, most major topics are addressed, such as derivatives,
integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, sequences, series, and
so on. However, our particular point of view also leads us to many
unusual topics: curvature, Pade approximations, public key
cryptography, and an analysis of the logistic equation, to name a few.
The reader takes an active role in developing the material by solving
problems. Most topics are broken down into a series of manageable
problems, which guide you to an understanding of the important ideas.
There is also ample exposition to fill in background material and to
get you thinking appropriately about the concepts. Approximately
Calculus is intended for the reader who has already had an introduction
to calculus, but wants to engage the concepts and ideas at a deeper
level. It is suitable as a text for an honors or alternative second
semester calculus course. |
Feeling strong in calculus? Try some of these problems: +
Some useful links:
- A forum to ask and answer questions: Art of problem solving
- A seried of videos by legendary Gilbert Strang on the highlights of calculus: +
- Short, fun, and informative videos on different basic topics in math like what
are numbers, how to add fractions to watch at your spare times: +
- Still struggling with what limits and derivatives are? Here is a list of short friendly videos which
teach you the topics, give many examples and also talk about some
applications. Also explore
the website for other topics: +